Hey guys!
Today, I decided to write about my top 5 female idols for you! These are in no particular order as they all inspire me so much in different ways and hope that they come to inspire you as well! Here we go!
1. Ashley Costello from 'New Year's Day'
I first discovered Ashley when I was reading Kerrang! and her band 'New Year's Day' were in the 'Introducing' page. I mentally noted the band's name as one to look up! Then, when watching one of Motionless in White's music videos (A-M-E-R-I-C-A) I saw Ashley in it and thought that now would be the time to research her and New Year's Day. I watched the music video for the song 'Angel Eyes (Feat. Chris Motionless)' and absolutely fell in love!! It was from there that I became obsessed. Her vocals are so raw and powerful and really add something special to all the amazing songs that her and New Year's Day write. I'm in love with her fashion sense though .Her split red and black hair has become so recognisable in the New Grave community and her sense of gothic style is always on point. I have a lot of the same clothes as her by coincidence and always love seeing how she wears the items I have at home. I love all things dark and gothic and to see someone like that in all the magazines I read and in the profession I love, it really fills me with confidence. She's also very close with Iron Fist which is one of my favourite brands and when I heard a rumour about them working together I nearly died of excitement! On top of being beautiful, talented and creative, she is also the loveliest person! From watching many meet and greets online and also seeing pictures of her with fans on her instagram, she seems like the most genuine and friendly person to talk to and hang out with. I really hope that I get to meet her soon and watch New Years Day live! CREEP FOR LIFE!
2. Lacey Sturm, formerly of 'Flyleaf'
Lacey is an idol of mine for many different reasons. She is the person who I most relate to in terms of the style of music I write and the quality of her voice but there is something so unique to Lacey's voice that could stop anyone in their tracks. You just have to listen to her.

3. Maria Brink from 'In This Moment'
THE QUEEN OF METAL! Maria is a complete inspiration of mine. Another female screamer, she has the most stunning voice and a scream that can pierce the air. It is an aim of mine to have a scream as distinctive and unique as hers and one that is so strong live! The reason she is my idol is because of her theatricality. Maria and In This Moment bring something really unique to live shows that I haven't ever discovered in a band. The costumes, the make-up, the dancing (which I love a lot because I am a dancer), the staging and of course the music all add up to make an amazing live performance and I really admire people who have the courage to try new things and to break out into such a hard industry. Maria has had a hard past but has always been herself and created a band that completely stand out from the rest, no matter what anyone has told her. As someone who loves fashion, I'm always insanely interested in her costumes and outfits as they are bold, exciting and I love trying to recreate her looks on a smaller scale. I'm proud to be a fan of her band and hope I get the privilege to meet her one day.
4. Lynn Gunn from 'PVRIS'
Lynn Gunn is quite a new one for me. As I mentioned in a previous post, I found her and her band, PVRIS, in the introducing pages of Kerrang! and have loved them ever since! Apart from creating new, exciting and different music, Lynn is an idol of mine because of how free and comfortable about her sexuality she is and how supportive to other people she is. I am heterosexual but from working in Musical Theatre and from meeting people in general, I have met a lot of people who are gay/ lesbian/ transgender and don't have the courage to talk about their sexuality very openly because of how people treat them. I think it is brilliant that someone like Lynn who has a stunning voice, distinctive musical style and huge following can be so open and honest about who she is. I know she isn't the first in rock to do this and I know that there are others who are open about their sexuality but I am a fan of Lynn, PVRIS and their music and love the honesty that comes with them. I am definitely going to head out and see them when they are next in the UK as it looks like they are smashing Warped Tour at the moment!
5. Ariel Bloomer from 'Icon for Hire'
Ariel is someone that you might not have heard of and this is a real shame as she deserves so much more recognition than she gets. Ariel is an inspiration and idol of mine because of how determined, creative and talented she is. Icon for Hire's music is amazing and Ariel has a brilliant stage presence and can command any crowd. Again, I'm inspired by her fashion; Ariel makes a lot of her own clothes (as do I) and I love seeing how creative she can get! A thing about her that really inspires me though is her drive for success. No matter how hard life gets for her and Icon for Hire, she still carries on and gets her butt out to perform to all of us fans. She can sometimes even barely afford to keep the lights on in her house but her passion for music is always there and that is what gets her on stage every time. Also, the things that she writes about in her music and lyrics are things that I completely relate to and sometimes are even the things that many other bands are scared to write about or say. I don't ever want Ariel and Icon for Hire to ever give up and will always support them! Come to the UK soon so I can come and see you!
So there you have it! Sorry if I got repetitive at times! I hope you go and check these amazing women out and their bands and come to love them as much as I do!
This is an outfit that I wore for a recent photoshoot!
Dress: Iron Fist - £49.99 (Rough guess as they no longer sell it and I can't remember!)
Tights: Ebay - £8.00
Shoes: Iron Fist - £55.00
The hair piece was from my prom dress which was from Punk Rave.
Shoes: Iron Fist - £55.00
The hair piece was from my prom dress which was from Punk Rave.
This song is one of my most favourite songs and its from one of my idols! If you don't know this song, you seriously need to get on it!
i absolutely love this post, and i am pretty amazed that we have such a similar taste in music heh